Our starting point is to ensure that we understand your business, your marketing objectives and your specific support needs. This initial consultation process is without charge. Thereafter, we can agree on the scope of activities to be undertaken and the amount of on-site/off-site support you require.
For short-term projects, we will estimate the amount of resource required and this will be charged at an agreed day rate. For longer-term support programmes, we will initially agree the amount of resource required on a monthly basis and this will be charged on the basis of an agreed monthly service fee. This level of support can be adjusted to suit your objectives and your budget.
You can be assured of complete confidentiality, backed up if required with a mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement.
All material is developed in-house apart from when you wish specialist suppliers to be appointed such as printers, design consultants, web consultancies etc. We can either work with your preferred suppliers or help you in the selection and appointment of new suppliers. However, all supplier expenditure will need to be approved and paid by you direct.
This means that you can be confident that our recommendations for your ‘marketing mix’ are in your company’s best interest.
Unlike many consultancies and agencies, we have nothing to sell apart from our time.
As standard practice, we will produce clear and accurate documentation so that you can monitor progress at any time. It goes without saying that marketing material will not be used without your authorisation - you remain in total control of the timing and content of all marketing activities